Dark Green Fritillary

Scientific Name - Speyeria aglaja

Flight Period - May to August

Overwinters as - Larva

Habitat - Grassland, woodland

Larval foodplants - Common Dog-violet, Hairy Violet

Conservation status - BC Priority Medium

Northamptonshire distribution - Localised but spreading

Best public sites to see them - Fineshade Wood, Old Sulehay and Ring Haw, Wakerley Wood

The Dark Green Fritillary used to be a very rare sight in Northamptonshire. However, in recent years they have really gained a foothold in the county, especially in the northeast where they currently have their main strongholds. They can look very similar to Silver-washed Fritillaries when viewing the upperwings but there are a few differences which make identification quite easy. The Dark Green Fritillary has a row of triangular markings along the outer edge of the wings which connect to the outer margins. The underwing is very different to the Silver-washed as it has a green wash with white spots which gives the Dark Green Fritillary its name. The best sites to see the Dark Green Fritillary in the county are Fineshade Wood, Old Sulehay and Ring Haw and Wakerley Wood. Last year a colony was also found in Croughton Pocket Park south of RAF Croughton. For more information about how to tell the differences between Dark Green and Silver-washed Fritillaries click here.

Dark Green Fritillary Distribution 2018 - 2022

Dark Green Fritillary underwing

Dark Green Fritillary upperwing

Dark Green Fritillary

Dark Green Fritillary